Sustainability is no longer just a buzzword in the modern business world, it’s an important part of responsible corporate strategy. Companies in every industry are constantly looking for ways they can become greener and minimise their carbon footprint whilst still maintaining operational efficiency. One way they can do this is through managed printing services.

Most businesses don’t realise the environmental impact of their traditional printing practices with their high levels of waste and resource consumption, but the solution of managed printing can transform business operations for the better.

What is managed print services?

Managed print services is a comprehensive approach to effectively managing a business’ printing requirements. It essentially means overseeing and optimising the use of printers and other printing devices within a business to help lower costs, control budget, improve efficiency, and enhance security.

Print management services allow your team to print from anywhere whilst monitoring print analytics to make better more sustainable business decisions.

Why is sustainability important in business?

Sustainability is becoming more and more important as we’re starting to realise the impact we’re making on the planet. That’s why it’s time for companies to begin making greener choices, not only to adopt a competitive advantage by attracting eco-conscious customers, but because it can also lead to significant cost savings and a reduced carbon footprint.

Businesses have a role in contributing positively to the communities they operate in; therefore, sustainable practices and choices can help protect the environment and improve the quality of life of those around them.

The environmental impact of traditional printing

Traditional printing methods have a significant environmental impact and contribute to deforestation, pollution, and waste. The process relies on large amounts of paper that results in deforestation, and ink that releases large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Traditional printers are often extremely inefficient and consume excessive energy whilst generating a lot of waste. Compared to traditional printing, managed printing services offer a more sustainable alternative by optimising print workflows, reducing paper and energy usage, and promoting the use of eco-friendly materials.

How managed printing services contribute to sustainable business practices

Although the main goal of managed printing services is to streamline printing processes, they naturally come with sustainable benefits to help your business become greener. Here’s how:

Reducing paper waste

Managed printing services significantly reduce paper waste compared to traditional printing. With managed printing services, there are ways to cut down on paper, such as:

  • Print usage rules: Actively monitoring print usage enables the implementation of smart rules to reduce paper waste. These rules can include enforcing duplex printing, setting print retention times, and defaulting to mono printing.
  • Job deletion: Rules can be established to automatically delete print jobs that are not printed within a specified time frame. Additionally, users have the option to delete print jobs directly at the device, such as in the case of accidental duplicate prints.
  • Print job tracking. This feature helps reduce paper waste by monitoring and controlling print habits so printing can be minimised where possible.

Optimising energy consumption

Through managed print services, energy-efficient printers consume less power compared to older, more traditional printing devices. Traditional printers often use a lot of energy, with even idle printers consuming power when they’re not being used. Managed print services use newer technologies that consume less energy and are only using power when needed which heavily reduces energy consumption and costs.

Managed print services also allow you to track print jobs and monitor analytics so you can implement energy-saving measures to cut down your energy consumption even further. For example, instead of carrying out multiple print jobs causing the power to switch on and off numerous times, you can combine them into one single, larger job to save energy.

Improved resource management

Managed printing services streamline the supply chain for printing materials and promote the use of sustainable supplies. They also promote the recycling and proper disposal of used cartridges and other components to prevent them from ending up in landfills.

From setting default print preferences to implementing duplex printing policies, managed printing actively encourages environmentally conscious behaviour in the office.

Want to implement managed printing services?

Managed printing services contribute to a greener and more environmentally friendly business whilst creating a more strategic and efficient printing process. At SOS Systems, we offer comprehensive managed printing services that could save you thousands of pounds whilst promoting an eco-friendlier office environment. Get in touch with us today to see how we can help you.

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